Our custom-made services and solutions will assist you to free up your cash flow so you can focus on developing your business. 


Contact Import Department

Chief Manager (Trade Services) ✆  011 220 3240   
✆  011 244 6824
✉  cmtrade@boc.lk
Senior Manager (Imports)✆  011 220 3241✉  smimports@boc.lk
Manager (LC Issuing)✆  011 220 3242✉  coimports@boc.lk
Manager (Bill Receiving & Shipping Guarantees)✆  011 220 3253✉  importbills@boc.lk
Manager (Bill Settlement & Collection Bills)✆  011 220 3256✉  imppay@boc.lk
Manager (Short Term Loans)✆  011 220 3266✉  imptr@boc.lk
Manager (Central Processing Unit)✆  011 220 3254✉  cpctrade@boc.lk

How can we help YOU?

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