SDG 9 SDG 11 SDG 14

Bank of Ceylon's Strategic Initiatives for Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities, and Responsible Consumption


Sustainable Development Goals 10: Reduced inequalities

The bank increased its developmental lending and added customer touch points in economically deprived areas like the North East and Uva province.

Through BOC’s Connect program directed at accessibility and inclusion, BOC agents were able to reach out to such marginalized populations.

Working towards the goal of reducing inequalities, the BOC hires Senior Management from local communities.


Sustainable Development Goals 11: Sustainable cities and communities

BOC’s exposure in their lending portfolio to housing, transport logistics, culture and religious development underscores their commitment to the needs of the Country and Community and are aligned with the bank’s long-term sustainability agenda, mission, and corporate values.

Embracing a holistic view of green initiatives, the bank’s new and refurbished branches have adopted the green building concept.

The Bank's recent CSR projects also resonate the Sustainable cities and communities’ initiative with several model villages crafted under the BoC Gammana program, conducted by Development Banking Unit.


Sustainable Development Goals 12:  Responsible consumption and production

The bank has introduced automation and recycling to save paper/toner and waste generation.